Monday, 15 February 2016

7 Things to Know About Babies, Toddlers and Heat

Babies can’t tell you when they’re overheating and toddlers may too busy toddling around to even stop what they’re doing! Be sure to guard your young ones against the heat.

Here are 7 Things to Know and Do.

1. Watch The Diaper. Or, count the visits to the bathroom. If there are fewer wet diapers or fewer trips to the bathroom, it could be a sign that your child is becoming dehydrated. Other signs include being more irritable, have drier than usual skin, just not looking like they feel good or refusing food and drink. In babies, the fontanelle (the soft spot on the top of the head) may actually be lower than usual.

2. Keep Your Child Hydrated.
If you’re a nursing Mom, you may want to nurse more often or give the baby water between feedings. Don’t just offer water to a toddler or young child, make sure they drink regularly throughout the day. If necessary, offer fruit juice – but stay away from carbonated drinks.

3. Dress Them Right. Light, loose clothing is best. For the baby, maybe just a diaper and a diaper shirt. Remember, if you are going out, protect your child from the strong sunlight. Don’t forget the children’s sunscreen.

4. Cool Down With A Bath. It shouldn’t be hot or cold, but a dunk in a lukewarm bath is one way to cool down a child. You can even simply sponge them off with lukewarm water.

5. Nap Time?
Make sure that your child is in a cool spot. Make sure that air can circulate around the baby or child and that it isn’t blocked by stuffed animals or blankets. If you think it’s needed, use a fan but don’t point it at the child. Direct a fan towards the middle of the room.

6. Frozen Is Fun. If you are concerned about getting your enough liquid in a toddler or young child – go frozen. Make your own healthy popsicles or simply freeze orange slices or watermelon just may appeal to your little one.

7. Get Help. If you think your baby or toddler is showing signs of heat stress, don’t wait. Take the little one to an emergency room. Dehydration can be very serious in babies and small children – don’t take a chance.

When it’s hot outside you want your baby, your children – your whole family – to be cool and comfortable. If your home is cooled by an air conditioner, be sure to schedule a yearly air conditioning maintenance and service before the heat hits. Call a licensed Air Conditioning Service Phoenix company and make sure that your air conditioning will be working correctly when your babies, children and family needs it most.

Monday, 18 January 2016

5 Things to Do to Your A/C Before You Need It

You’re probably dreaming of warm weather, but here are 5 things you want to do as it starts to warm up. Take care of your air conditioner before you want to turn it on to keep you cool! When you take good care of your air conditioner, it’s not only ready to go to work for you – you’re extending its life and, just maybe, saving yourself a big repair bill.

1. Turn It On. It’s just a little bit warmer. Certainly, it’s not hot and you might not consider turning on your air conditioner for another few weeks or more. But, turn down the temperature far enough to turn on your air conditioner. Does it start blowing cool air and sound like its operating correctly? Good for it – and good for you. However, if you suspect that there’s something not quite right because you hear a strange noise or the air isn’t cool, make sure you don’t turn it on again until you’ve had a thorough inspection for an air conditioning contractor.

2. Clean Up. Start outside and clear away any debris, leaves, dust and dirt that has accumulated over the winter. Make sure you have cleared the area all the way around the outdoor A/C. This is the one place where you don’t want the plants to thrive! Keep the unit clear. The indoor unit or evaporator should also be keep clean. Clean up any dust and move any items that you may be storing in the area away from the unit.

3. Don’t Forget Ductwork! You probably don’t need a full duct cleaning every year, but you will want to make sure that you vacuum around the supply and return vents that lead to your ductwork. You may want to remove the vents and wipe down the inside of the vents or vacuum them. You won’t be able to get to all the ductwork but you can reduce the dust that would otherwise blow out when you begin to use the A/C.

4. Change The Filters. If you have a filter that can be cleaned – clean it! If they you have the kind that you replace, replace it. Start the new season with clean, fresh filter.

5. Schedule An Air Conditioner Maintenance. Write it down on your calendar so you have plenty of time to have a professional air conditioner serviceman do a thorough inspection before you’re going to want to start using the unit. Or, avoid the rush – go ahead and call for that annual service now. It’s one of the most important steps in keeping you cool and your air conditioner working at top efficiency.

It’s so easy to just wait for the first hot day and flip the switch without making sure your air conditioner is ready for a long, hot summer. It may cost you. Do your part and, then, make sure you have the unit inspected. A pre-season inspection by a licensed Air Conditioning Repair Phoenix AZ contractor can identify and fix small problems before they become big problems – you avoid a more major and expensive -- repair. You’ll extend the life of the unit and keep your utility bills as low as possible when you take care of your air conditioner so it can take care of you!